Thursday, May 28, 2020

Chromedriver version error

The one error that I have ran into a few times by now is the version mismatch error between the Chrome application and the chromedriver on my machine (Mac OS)

SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 83

For most of my project I had an alias for chromedriver getting added in the lib folder (It would show up after successful execution of a test case but I need to figure out why it was showing up there). I would simply download the latest chromedriver version and drop it in the the original location of the driver-alias in the project. 

However just started a new project after not working on automation for past one year. In this new project the chromedriver alias is not getting added to project (again need to find out why not, what is diff between the two projects). While working through other issues today I landed back at this error (obviously I was demoing at the time, meh) and without the alias had to go googling about the error. 

So to fix the issue there are two possible solution
1. Update the chromedriver executable to the correct version manually OR
2. Use chromedriver-manager package to handle all the version management

Solution 1:

  1. Download the correct driver version from
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Manually copy the executable to /usr/local/bin (overwrite the previous version in folder)
Solution 2:
I have not tested this solution yet but the idea makes sense. Will Need to understand how it works.

As always solution 1 has resolved the error, so I'll move on with the other issues on project. 

To Do:
  1. Why is chromedriver alias created in project 1
  2. Why is chromedriver alias NOT created in project 2
  3. Find out how solution 2 works and to set it up

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